Expert analysis and comprehensive reporting from a globally recognized leader.
We understand the importance of thorough and accurate due diligence in the tax and financial aspects of a transaction. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing comprehensive due diligence services to businesses of all sizes, across a wide range of industries.
Our goal is to provide our clients with the highest level of service and expertise, so they can make informed decisions and minimize the risk of potential issues. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your next project.
Helping you with
- Detailed review of financial and tax records
- Analysis of financial statements and projections
- Quality of earnings
- Identification of potential tax liabilities
- Analysis of local and international tax compliance
- Identification of tax savings opportunities
- Support in tax structuring
- Global team with market knowledge
- Support during M&A and other transactions
The Andersen Global Advantage
Andersen is an independent tax and legal firm with a worldwide presence through the member firms and collaborating firms of Andersen Global.
Each and every one of the professionals and member firms that are a part of Andersen Global share our core values, ensuring the delivery of best-in-class service in a seamless and consistent manner worldwide.